About Us

who we are

Pakistani Nurses and Midwives Association

PNMA UK is one of NHS England’s International Nursing and Midwifery Associations, dedicated to supporting nurses and midwives of Pakistani origin across the UK. The organisation aims to raise the profile of Pakistani nurses and midwives both within the profession and the wider community.

The association was founded by British Pakistani nurses Shaida Ghazala Akhtar RGN and Zeba Arif RMN who decided that they wanted to put their combined knowledge and skills together and collaborate to form an organisation that supports and nurtures Pakistani nurses and midwives in the UK. Recognising the talent and challenges of nurses both at home and abroad, the founders were also keen to provide Pakistani nurses and midwives with added support where needed with the adaptation and integration of living and working in the nursing profession across the United Kingdom.

PNMA UK strives to inspire and motivate the Pakistani Diaspora to be the best they can be in their current roles and in their future career development. PNMA UK’s vision is that by recognising, acknowledging and showcasing member achievements and by displaying the many facets of nursing, we are able to create positive Pakistani role models to aspire to, providing stimulation for career progression as well as an attraction to the profession.

Our core values


Supporting nurses and midwives through career development, cultural adjustments and mental well-being


Reach out to nurses and midwives to create a collaborative network with a sense of belonging


Engage with community groups and organisations with shared values and goals


Showcase and celebrate the accomplishments of Pakistani nurses and midwives across the UK

Did you know

There are 4865 Pakistani nurses 
recorded on the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s ethnicity register as of March 2022*

The number of Pakistani nurses in the UK has almost doubled in the last 5 years alone (2017-2022). This demonstration of the growth in Pakistani nurses and midwives in the profession was a key motivating factor in the creation of PNMA UK in April 2023.

*Data from NMC’s Equality, diversity and inclusion report

Have any questions? Want to join us?

For more information or expressions of interest, please complete our form. Alternatively, you can email us at pnma.uk@gmail.com